Entries by step

Incident Report – 2019-12-28

On my day tour on 2019-12-28 I came to the assistance at an accident on the glacier. You can download my incident report here. Names and other personally identifiable information have been redacted from this version.

Cleanup / Community Days

I’ve really enjoyed doing my cleanup days since I started them last summer, even though I’ve not been very vocal about them. Now that winter is finally here they are becoming a bit of a struggle. Just yesterday I spent 10 minutes hacking away to uncover a single chocolate wrapper that was partially entombed in […]

New map!

Following up on my recent update on the mapping project, I did actually find good flying conditions just a few days later and decided to give it a try with just two batteries. To make it work, I reduced the map coverage a bit and flew at a slightly higher altitude than normal (110m instead […]

Update on the mapping project

Some may have noticed that my glacier mapping project has been on a bit of a hiatus. The reason is a combination of lack of opportunity and technical difficulties.

Around Vestrahorn

The Vestrahorn hike is now finally available for online booking! Did this tour a few times already this fall and we were always blessed with amazing weather. The way I have laid out the tour it can be done as a half-day point-to-point hike from Papós over to Stokksnes, or we can traverse the Kex […]