Community Training Days!

A few years ago I organised informal training days for the guides in the area, and I have decided to bring those back and with more structure, with a half day per month dedicated to those activities.

Those days are not at all intended as a full-on course to learn new skills, but more as an opportunity to practice and further develop the knowledge outdoor professionals already have. The plan is to also include two bigger rescue exercises where rangers from the Vatnajökull National Park and the local ICE-SAR team also already showed interest in participating.

Participation is free, but please sign up anyway for the days you are interested in, so I know how many people will come on each of those days and can prepare accordingly.

For more details, see here.

Supporting Icelandic Search & Rescue

Cleanup / Community Days

I’ve really enjoyed doing my cleanup days since I started them last summer, even though I’ve not been very vocal about them. Now that winter is finally here they are becoming a bit of a struggle. Just yesterday I spent 10 minutes hacking away to uncover a single chocolate wrapper that was partially entombed in frozen mud, and once snow arrives it will be near impossible to even see stuff anyway. Every single piece of trash removed is still worth it of course, but it got me thinking. Perhaps those winter days could be spent in a better way, by keeping the spirit but expanding the scope?

The working title of this idea is to make them Community Days. This also goes towards an idea I’ve been throwing around with a friend for some months now, and while I am not quite ready yet to go into more detail I think it could be a great plan.